Thursday, September 20, 2007

Long Awaited Update...

Hi all! Sorry we seem to have been swallowed up in cyberland somewhere. Our journeytome blog expired, I lost the password to this blog, and I just haven't made the time to get my blogging act together. :)

Adelina continues to progress everyday. She is truly a different child than she was in China. She smiles atleast 80% of the day, and seems to laugh out loud most of that. :) She has started the evaluation process for her therapy, and actually started a speech and language group this week.
She is crawling ALL over the place, cruising the furniture (and stairs!) any chance she gets, and standing on her own for 10 seconds or so. No steps yet, but I think they will be coming soon!

Kyra and Isaac are adjusting wonderfully to her. Better than we could have ever imagined. Kyra started second grade, and loves her teacher and classmates. Isaac started 3 day preschool, and is loving making new friends.

Other than that, I guess pictures speak better than words. :) Enjoy. :)